Guava ice cream Templates PSD Design

Guava ice cream Templates PSD Design

Guava ice cream is a delicious frozen dessert made with guava fruit and cream. To make guava ice cream, you first need to mix guava fruit with sugar and water to make guava puree. You can also add some lemon juice to enhance the taste. After the guava puree is ready, you can mix it with cream and sugar in a separate bowl.

Guava ice cream Templates PSD Design

Whisk the cream and sugar mixture until fluffy, add the guava puree, and mix well. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and let it mix for about 20-30 minutes or until it is thick and creamy.

Guava ice cream Templates PSD Design

Finally, transfer the guava ice cream to a container and freeze it for a few hours or until it sets. You can serve it with some fresh guava pieces or other toppings of your choice. Enjoy your homemade guava ice cream!

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